
Start Now on Your Purpose-Driven Journey

“Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” ― Henry David Thoreau

Are you waiting for the perfect opportunity, the perfect person, or the perfect place to start?

Innovation will always demand Innovators, Entrepreneurs, and Inventors to take that unreasonable leap forward. Are they afraid, yes, who wouldn’t be? But the reason they make that leap is that they are more courageous to succeed with their mission than they are afraid to fail while resting in their comfort zone.

As the CEO of a purpose-driven tech/business accelerator in Houston, I often speak to individuals who are searching for that “100% guarantee” that they will succeed at their idea or venture. I can obviously understand their reservations. I, too, was in their shoes for over 40 years of my life. I also was secure in a corporate job, enjoying most of the benefits that the American Dream offers. Spending many hours on the “what if’s” of starting my own business but, at the same time, fearing the “oh no’s” of what may go wrong if I gave up this great job.

What many times we may miss is understanding that the “American Dream Job” may not always offer you the one thing that psychologists say is very valuable to every human being, fulfillment from your purpose. In fact, an article in Psychology Today states that engaging in your purpose is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life. “Human beings crave purpose and can suffer serious psychological difficulties when we don’t have it.”

Fulfillment is met when a person engages in their purpose. This will very well help enable their Innovation or idea to take root, develop and eventually succeed despite the numerous obstacles a person may face during the process. There are numerous examples worldwide of men and women who took a simple yet innovative idea and turned it into the Next Big Thing. Many times, without the luxurious resources than us in the western world have access to.

Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that anyone quit their job tomorrow or throw all their savings into an idea, or rush into a quick decision. What I am saying is that through careful thought, planning, and deriving your purpose from your idea, the perfect time for you to start may be right now and may be right where you are today. You see, Innovation starts from within!

Once again, as Henry David Thoreau once said ..“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, and find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no life but this.”

Headway Idea Labs provides a proprietary 5-Step Process in the development of Tech Startups or the re-launching of any company regardless of the age of the business. This process is built on a Purpose-Driven Model.  

For more information, visit our website  or email Wesley at [email protected]

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