
These Ideas Are Set to Overcome Social Challenges

Did you know that many of the world’s biggest challenges and needs are currently being solved by technology and innovation?

Technology has made great leaps over the years. Here are some problems you should know that are on the verge of being rectified:

Access to Clean Water

A growing number of portable filtration devices now exist that are inexpensive to produce and that don’t require things like electricity or batteries. Check out LifeStraw and LifeSaver. Plus there are great strides being made using current technology Purewaters (coming soon) that is aimed to increase access to clean water around the world, but what’s most compelling about some of these portable options is how much they simplify and secure the access to clean water.


Let’s face it. Global education needs some help. Luckily, education innovators are working around the clock to develop apps, affordable internet-enabled devices for classrooms, open courseware, and new ways to measure student growth and target instruction to them better. Check out DezPhonics to see the impact it is set to have on literacy. And check out some of the EdTech trends that are shaking things up right now.

Alternative Energy

Solar is getting bigger and better. Wind power is going strong. People are building smarter grids. Businesses and building are switching to green energy, which is providing companies with increased capital to innovate. Things are looking good on the alternative energy front.

Access to Healthcare

Mobile technology is totally revolutionizing access to healthcare around the world. It allows healthcare practitioners to have access to data, information about health conditions, and information about treatments at their fingertips, no matter where they are. It also allows doctors and other experts to provide consultations to people remotely and ultimately extend the reach of their expert care.

Additionally, pharmaceutical innovations that eliminate the need for refrigeration of medicine are dramatically increasing access to critical cures to diseases worldwide.

Maternal Health

The past few years ago have been enormously impactful when it comes to maternal health in the developing world and elsewhere. Low-cost technology now exists that can provide healthcare screenings and imaging for pregnant women as well as gauge neonatal health. This information helps insure that the health is better preserved for mothers and babies. Plus, innovators like Obella Inc. are working tirelessly to spread iometric-detection technology for babies in utero.

Join us in spreading the word about the power of technology and it’s ability to make a great Impact in our world! 

Get in touch with us at Headway Idea Labs!

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