
3 Critical Things To Understand When Finding New Customers

Looking for your customers can be tricky but we are here to help! Here are the three critical things to understand when finding new customers:

1)   Not everyone that needs your product is your customer: This is a researched fact that not everyone who wants or even needs your product, will place the same value on it. In fact there will be a majority of perfect customers that desperately need what you are selling but will not buy at first pass.

a.     It’s important in the beginning of launching a new product into the market, to focus on selling only to those that value what you are providing. If you try to sell to everyone, you will hit a larger number of people that do not understand the value or realize they need what you have. This is where knowing your Early Adopters comes in.
b.   When you sell to people that value what you are offering them, they will not only see a great need for it in their lives, but will appreciate what they are paying for, assuming it is of good quality.

2)   Make sure that it is your customer’s true pain that you are solving and not  merely a symptom of their pain.
a.    Very simply stated, many solutions developed only address the symptom of a customer’s pain. This typically happens because the company did not spend enough time understanding
                        i.    The nature of their customer’s pain.
                       ii.    The true source of their customer’s pain.
                      iii.    The reason behind their customer’s pain.
b.   Doing your due diligence in research (See. Explore Step: in Headway’s 5 Steps Process) will prevent your company from developing a solution that only solves a symptom of your customer’s pain. Very critical to know, why, if you only solve a symptom of a pain, when that symptom goes away for many possible reasons, your solution could eventually disappear without that symptom.

3)   Who, Why and Where of your product’s Early Adopters:  
a.    Why you need to know your early adopter.
b.   Who is your early adopter?
c.    Where do find your early adopter

Check us out at www.headwayidealabs.com for how to get an Early Adopter Report done for your business!

Please stay tuned for to see how we explore more tips, insights and strategies on finding and attracting new customers for your business.

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